Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Maw Maw (1924 - 2008)

Proverbs 31:28 Her children (grandchildren too) arise and call her blessed; . . .

She always leaned to watch for us.
Anxious if we were late,
In winter by the window,
In summer by the gate;

And though we mocked her tenderly,
Who has such foolish care,
The long way home would seem more safe
Because she waited there.
Here thoughts were full of us-
She never could forget!
And so I think that where she is
She must be watching yet,

Waiting till we come home to her,
Anxious if we are late-
Watching from heaven's window,
Leaning from heaven's gate.

-Author Unknown

This is my Maw Maw and me, just a few weeks after I was born.

My Maw Maw influenced my life in so many ways. More ways than I had actually realized until she passed away this past Friday.
Here are some of the many ways she influenced who I am today. . .
If it were not for her, I would still be biting my fingernails. When I was in middle school she told me she would pay me $1 for each fingernail I grew out to be about 2 centimeters long. The bribe worked, I grew them out, got paid $10, and never bit them again.
She taught me to work when I needed money to do fun things. She had me clean her house for money, wash her car, and even pull weeds in the flower bed.
She nurtured many of my domestic skills today. . .
She taught me how to sew straight lines. I started learning by making little throw pillows and pillowcases.
She taught me how to craft things out of beads when I was a little girl. Just wait till you see the ornaments she taught me to make for my very first Christmas tree when I got married 12 years ago. I still use them to this day and will forever!

Many of the sweets I make today are her recipe. . .mini pecan pies, pound cake, and banana pudding.

She bought me my first mixer and taught me how to use it. I still use it. She even gave me her mixer that was about 50 years old when it broke and now it is in my kitchen being used as a decoration. She used to make cakes around the clock to take to people when they were sick, had a death, needed cheering up, fellowships at church, and for bake sales. . .

She taught me meal planning very early on when I got married and moved away. I used to spend many hours on the phone with her discussing different meal ideas when I was planning for guests to come over for dinner.

She kept her house very clean, neat, and decorated. She passed those skill right on to me. (I have probably taken it to a more OCD level though.)

I know how to plan baby showers, wedding showers, and parties because of her and my Aunt Pam too. Just wait till you see my post on the Scooby Doo party we are having tomorrow for E.T. and Baby Girl.

The list of ways she influenced me can go on and on so I will stop with this last thing before I bore you to death! The most important thing in my life that she influenced me in was church. If it were not for my Maw Maw taking me to church as a small girl, I might not be the person I am today. She took me as a child during a time when my parents did not go. My parents eventually ended up taking me years later and it was a different denomination than that of my Maw Maw's church, but if it was not for her that seed would have never been planted early on in my life. So for that I am thankful. I have learned most recently that it's not all about going to "church" but it is more about your personal relationship with God that is important and how you influence the lives of others for His kingdom. On Sunday, at the funeral, I saw many people that my Maw Maw influenced of the years out of her love of serving God. I hope to influence people like that in my life someday.

This is Maw Maw, E.T., and Baby Girl just a few weeks after they were born.

This is E.T. and Baby Girl taking an nap in Daddy's car before Maw Maw's funeral.

Here are the beautiful flowers and plants sent by friends and family to show their love and appreciation for Maw Maw.


  1. How sad...I am sorry about MawMaw.

    It is neat to see her influence in your life...and have taken it to a whole new level! But I'm sure this fact made her proud! You have skills...that's for sure!

  2. Hey Karrie! This is Jill. Mom just told me about your Maw Maw passing away. I am so sorry to hear about the passing but I'm sure she is at peace now in a most amazing place. I too lost my grandmother just 3 months ago. It's such a hard thing to grasp when our grandmothers pass. Thinking of you and your family.

  3. What a beautiful tribute. What a lucky girl you are to have her!

  4. So, I'm sitting here reading this earlier and I'm sobbing...John is so confused as to what has happened. I just remember how we used to wash Maw Maw's car and how excited we were to get some money. She was an amazing lady and you were lucky to have her, but you're right and she is in such a better place.

    Love you and am thinking about you and your family!

  5. Hi Karrie, this is Morika. I was catching up on Fitz's blog stuff and decided to do my own (still in progress) wow your page is great, anyway I was poking around and found a few other blogger spots of friends. I heard about your grandmother the day before the service I was unable to attend because of work, but you were in my thoughts. I saw your grandmother last probably a couple years ago in the dollar store in Liberty she was in a very talkative mood and it was so nice to catch up with her and talk to her for that time. She was indeed a special woman. I can testify to all the great things that she taught you. Also all of the great things she instilled in you growing up. Love you and send my love to your family.
